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Kingston Trust Fund

The Trustee is the official newsletter of the Kingston Trust Fund and is published every month of the school year.  The Trustee is distributed to members via ktfesp.org and email. Hard copies are mailed to retirees without email.  Active members who would like a hard copy, please contact the Trust and provide your name/school name.




January 2025
Vol XVIII, No. 175

The winter season can be a challenging time to stay active, with colder temperatures, slippery conditions, and fewer daylight hours. But staying physically active is one of the best ways to improve your mental and physical health and keep on track with your fitness goals.

Emerging research also suggests physical activity may help boost your immune function. Experts recommend that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate- intensity physical activities a week. Getting outside for a brisk walk is a great way to clear your mind and get your minutes. Walking your dog daily, instead of just putting it out, can increase your exercise time and is good for both of you. Also try scheduling a weekly walk with a friend or two. “Twalking”-  talking and walking allows you to spend time with your friends while doing something healthy. It is a win- win.  

When the weather is too bad to get out, you can always use daily activities like vacuuming, sweeping and cleaning to add to your physical activity goals. Again, a win- win situation- you are getting your chores done and gaining health benefits.  

Evidence shows physical activity can help you sleep better and reduce anxiety. Regular physical activity also helps:

  • Improve your balance.
  • Lower your risk of type 2 diabetes and many kinds of cancer.
  • Strengthen bones and muscles.
  • Lower blood pressure.
  • Maintain or lose weight.
  • Keep your mind sharp as you get older.

So,  this winter keep your spirits up and your weight down by exercising daily. You will feel and be better for it!

Taken/Adapted from cdc.gov/physical-activity/features/stay-active-this-winter.

Update on Trust Changes for 2025

Four Corners Health PBM

The January 1, 2025 change to Four Corners Health PBM is going well and is a success. While the process has been relatively smooth, there have been some problems, but fortunately, John Olsen is  overseeing the process and has been resolving the issues quickly and efficiently. Most of the issues members experience were due to inaccurate information and files we received from our previous PBM. In its first week as our PBM the team handled over 3000 claims. Issues were identified and resolved quickly. One area of confusion that  remains is with the use of CVS Specialty pharmacy. This is only for members who are taking specialty drugs. Members who are affected by this have been notified by FCH.  Below is a cheat sheet to help clarify who to call if you need help with your prescriptions.

Four Corners PBM  Resources and Who to contact for RX in 2025: 

If you are trying to get a refill on a medication you took last year, and the pharmacy is telling you it is "not covered" or requires a "prior authorization" then please call John at 833-599-6777 ext. 200. Please allow up to 24 hours for a response. 

If your pharmacy tells you your copay is abnormally high then your medication falls into a category that requires a manufacturer copay card, we can help with that, please call John at 833-599-6777 ext. 200. Please allow up to 24 hours for a response. 

If your doctor has prescribed a new medication and it requires prior authorization, then please instruct your doctor to go to paforms.com and initiate the approval process.

For any general questions about your coverage or issues on new prescriptions please call Four Corners Health at 866-443-9331.
If Four Corners Health cannot help you solve your problem, then please call John at 833-599-6777 ext. 200. Please allow up to 24 hours for a response. 

Other questions you may have-  Here is a quick list of questions and answers that may help.

If you have questions about member Medical reimbursements or claims for dates of service AFTER January 1, 2025, call MagnaCare  at 800-352-6465

For medical prior authorizations, your provider can call 888-362-4624.

If you have questions about member reimbursements or claims with dates of service PRIOR to January 1, 2025, call 844-583-3863, prompt 4.

For all NEW Dental claims with dates of service prior to and after January 1, 2025, call Sele-Dent at 1-800-529-3368.

For Dental appeals for dates of service prior to January 1,2025 or if a check needs to be reissued call 844-583-3863 prompt 1 or email appeals@ktftrustfund.com


In Memoriam

 Mary Bosco                 Frances Turgeon